The Canadian Tube Fly Company
Ridged Snaelda Tubes
Snaelda tubes have really made a splash in Europe for
a lot of reasons. The beautiful tapers on these tubes,
plus the nicely ridged lip, make these tubes a winner!
Ridged Snaelda Tube Assortment Pack - 12 tubes (4 - 10mm, 4 - 14 mm, and 4 - 25 mm) plus liner tube


...... or order by size!
Ridged Snaelda Tubes. $7.29 per 10 plus a length of liner tube.
These tubes can be lined with our liner tube or
small diameter
Scandinavian Tubing. You can see
from the add
junction tubing. Some tyers even like
to paint the grooves on these tubes just like

Order your kit today!