The Canadian Tube Fly Company
Tapered  Tubes
The late Juri Shumakov discovered these a few years ago. They are unique
in that they allow a large profile fly while still maintaining a small head like
a traditional hooked pattern.. All Tapered Tubes come complete with a
length of clear vinyl junction tube to secure your hook in place.
Plastic Tapered Tubes $4.49....available in 16 mm (12 pcs), 16 mm "Wide" (12 pcs), and 33 mm(10 pcs) lengths.
colours. Perfect for giving the back of your
tapered tube an extra splash of colour while
connecting to the hook!
Tube Flies / Juri Shumakov Tubes  /  Atlantic Tube Flies / Alaskan Tube Flies / Bottle Tube Flies / Tapered Tube Flies /
Hooks & Beads / Rods & Reels  /
Tube Fly Catalogue / Tying on Tubes / Tube Fly Kits
Tapered Tube Assortment Pack - 12 Tapered Tubes (33 mm, 16mm,16 mm wide) plus Junction Tubing


Twelve inch lengths. $1.99
6816 11 Ave
Edmonton, Alberta,
T6K 3J5