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The Canadian Tube Fly Company
Barbell Tubes
These tubes have a cone shape head , yet still have an additional punch of weight to
really get you down to holding fish in a hurry. All the tying is done in the middle
section of the tube, giving you a nice metallic flash on both the front and rear of the
fly. They come in 2 sizes (22mm and 15mm) and four types, brass, copper,
gunsmoke, and silver.
Barbell Tube Assortment Pack - 16 tubes (2 small brass, 2 small gunsmoke, 2 small silver, 2 small copper, 2 large brass, 2 large gunsmoke, 2 large silver, 2 large coper)plus junction and liner tube


Order your Barbell Tube Assortment Today!
......or order by type and length. Now in Four fantastic finishes!
Brass Barbell Tubes, available in 22mm or 15mm lengths. $5.99 per 10 plus a length of liner and junction tube.
Gunsmoke Barbell Tubes, available in 22mm or 15mm lengths. $5.99 per 10 plus a length of liner and junction tube.
Silver Barbell Tubes, available in 22mm or 15mm lengths. $5.99 per 10 plus a length of liner and junction tube.
Copper Barbell Tubes, available in 22mm or 15mm lengths. $5.99 per 10 plus a length of liner and junction tube.